DataRow - ToEntity

A DataRow extension method that converts the @this to the entities.

Try it

public static void Main()
	var table = new DataTable();

    table.Columns.AddRange("IntColumn", "StringColumn");
    table.Rows.Add(1, "Fizz");

	//C# Extension Method: DataRow - ToEntity
    var entity = table.Rows[0].ToEntity<TestObject>();


public class TestObject
    public int IntColumn;
    public int IntColumnNotExists = -1;
    public string StringColumnNotExists;
    public string StringColumn { get; set; }

View Source
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Reflection;

public static partial class Extensions
    /// <summary>
    ///     A DataRow extension method that converts the @this to the entities.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">Generic type parameter.</typeparam>
    /// <param name="this">The @this to act on.</param>
    /// <returns>@this as a T.</returns>
    public static T ToEntity<T>(this DataRow @this) where T : new()
        Type type = typeof (T);
        PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
        FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

        var entity = new T();

        foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
            if (@this.Table.Columns.Contains(property.Name))
                Type valueType = property.PropertyType;
                property.SetValue(entity, @this[property.Name].To(valueType), null);

        foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
            if (@this.Table.Columns.Contains(field.Name))
                Type valueType = field.FieldType;
                field.SetValue(entity, @this[field.Name].To(valueType));

        return entity;